L’accompagnement est la clé de voûte au succès d’une transformation réussie de votre école. Offrant un processus rigoureux, méthodique et flexible, nous partons du principe que chaque école est unique et qu’aucune ne part de zéro. Notre équipe personnalise la démarche en fonction de chaque environnement éducatif et de ses besoins pour que votre établissement devienne une école communautaire entrepreneuriale. L’école et sa communauté forment une alliance de sens pour, qu’ensemble, elles portent fièrement leur projet éducatif.
Learning “to DARE”… is the first and foremost learning to take calculated risks
The ability to take risks is the prerogative of many entrepreneurs. Many of them move forward with determination to achieve the objective, goal or vision they have in mind. Several entrepreneurs have this ability to perceive a need, often before others. Above all, what makes them different is that they are born dreamers who love to create something new, think differently and sometimes be bold and show courage by suggesting new solutions. Thus, often enough, entrepreneurs from around the world succeed with originality, to meet needs previously not fully satisfied.
A challenge to be reckoned with
The paths of entrepreneurial success may be strewn with obstacles, often for lack of analysis, planning and realism. The ability to quickly take action is a quality that can lead further. At other times, the speed of action can be characterized by an unconscious negligence causing failure. While experimenting allows learning, a deep wound can also be felt. Rushing towards the middle of the frozen lake is okay, but while taking some careful consideration, having prepared enough to give oneself the chance to succeed. In other words, nothing should prevent a contractor to take the time to assess the situation before heading out on somewhat thin ice.
The school: a training center
To become a conscious or enterprising entrepreneur, you have to train. Training to become skilled at identifying needs, to execute with balance and to get out of the beaten path from time to time. To succeed in such learning, teaching exercises should first and foremost contribute towards building confidence. In this case, learning to believe in one’s ability, in one’s ability to start and complete a project is fundamental. The development of self or personal as well as collective efficacy constitutes a must.
Another dimension to be experimented in school relates to the speed of judgment or diagnosis¹ skill regarding an opportunity. Seizing on a potential opportunity to undertake, is to be able to proceed with some caution, measure and vision, both for one’s own benefit and for that of their living environment. The conscious entrepreneur carries within himself a special entrepreneurial culture that pushes him to undertake, innovate and work towards sustainable development and contribute to a future and sustainable economies.
Furthermore, excess enthusiasm, and above all the eagerness, can lead to misreading of the need, give rise to a poor choice when it comes to the means used to bring forward and increase the possibility of a failed entrepreneurial project. We can thus see the importance of and the need for reflective analysis, stepping back, in order to avoid hasty and erroneous decision-making.
We must therefore train, ideally at the elementary level, consistently over a long period in order to develop in each and every child and student, the culture of conscious entrepreneurship. A good organizational scheme reflected by the school must allow a proper understanding of conscious entrepreneurship and promote effective practice. Entrepreneurship is a transversal concept that binds various aspects of life, it is essential that one’s learning can take place through integrated teaching approaches directly into the classroom. To be even more efficient in terms of entrepreneurial learning, these benefit from being combined to other activities and entrepreneurial projects organized after school hours.
Summary …
Entrepreneurship is a top sport, where you must persevere and fight in order to win. Most of the time, drive and determination must act in synergy. Succeeding means working towards the long term. Developing in each youth the three strengths, including diagnosis, is therefore essential.
There is no doubt that acquiring entrepreneurial experience that provides the proper training within schools allows, in my opinion, increased efficiency, reduction or avoidance of some unnecessary failures and more frequent successes. Of course, there are entrepreneurs who succeed on the first try, sometimes in a short period, and that’s good. However, in Quebec, as in many countries, they are still too few.
The school has structural advantages that allow it to awaken conscious entrepreneurship and create favourable pedagogical and educational settings to succeed in life. Undertaking is learning to dare, despite adversity, but also knowing how to play smart. Entrepreneurship is… learning to take calculated risks.
Note: The Entrepreneurial Community School (ECS) is present in 137 schools in countries located on three continents: North America, Europe and Africa.
Rino Lévesque
Author and founder of the ECS; Executive director et co-founder of the International Organization of Conscious entrepreneurial community schools (OIECEC)
¹ The speed of diagnosis is one of the three strengths developed among youth within the Conscious Entrepreneurial Community School (CECS). The other two strengths are enthusiasm and determination.
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