
We help you create your dream school

Our organization is made up of fully committed teachers, innovators and entrepreneurs, guided by the idea of contributing,
by means of the Entrepreneurial Community School (ECS), to a better world.

Our vision

Dream big, undertake, get off the beaten track, go above and beyond… and succeed.

Our mission

Support school and educational transformation by those convinced of the importance of the idea of acting together, through conscious entrepreneurial education, for the success of our youth.

Our actions

We work on the implementation of a conscious entrepreneurial culture among elementary school aged children, high school and adults who attend professional training or postsecondary institutions.

We support school in the appropriation of organizational and pedagogical strategies that foster the development of a conscious entrepreneurial culture in a unique school system that inspires hope for the future.

Customized support service
Educational innovation
Development of a conscious entrepreneurship culture

Word of the Founder

To youthTo educatorsTo parents and partners


In Québec, in Canada and throughout the world, many organizations have recognized the Entrepreneurial Community School (ECS) concept at various steps in its development.

  • OECD (Organisation for economicm co-operation and development) – 2014
    • Rino Lévesque is an international ambassadors of OECD for entrepreneurial education for young people.
  • Canadian commission for UNESCO – 2009
    • Recognizes the ECE as a model that is innovative, inclusive, demonstrating good practices and education for peace.
  • Microsoft Corp. school for innovation – 2009
    • Recognizes the uniqueness and innovative character of the Entrepreneurial Community School model
  • HEC Montréal, Rogers-J.-A.-Bombardier Chair of Entrepreneurship – 2012
    • Rino Lévesque is a designated honorary member for his remarkable contribution to conscious entrepreneurial education.

A global movement

The ECS throughout the world

The Entrepreneurial Community School model spans international borders due to the commitment of many innovative people working towards the goal of transforming their schools. Groups of ECS in each one of these international areas manage to define their own identity taking into consideration the local culture and needs. Our team trains local teams to act freely and independently contributing to the development and adaptation of the ECS model in their area.

Recognition – Valorization – Networking

Schools recognized as being in the emerging, flagship, star and quasar stage of their development in this program can be members of our international division: the international organization of Conscious Entrepreneurial Community School (OIECEC).

Main partners

Development partners

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Educational partners

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