Getting off the beaten track
Innovation generates enthusiasm and amazement. It leads to surpassing oneself whether it be the student, the teacher, the school or the community and it provides for greater and enlarged vision. A school must be of its times in order to be able to meet present day and future challenges, whether it be from a teaching, a technological or an organisational perspective. Allowing oneself to innovate is essential to growth. Our varied services (coaching, mentorship, workshops) involve many transformational aspects related to innovation at the school level as well as the local, regional and national levels of the education system.
The training workshop
The training workshop has been developed for small groups, and is usually presented in a way to foster proximity and communication between participants. Discussion forums, roundtables and focus groups are some of the most popular workshops. However, we welcome all other workshop concepts that might be requested by the school or organization.
Coaching / mentorship
This formula is done according to a support method anchored on active listening and the consideration of people’s needs. It is based on dynamic mentorship. This reflective and decision making form of support can be made with one person, a management team, a vision development team or for the benefit of any other governing body wanting to contribute to education or the culture of conscious entrepreneurship.
Transformative aspects related to regional, provincial or territorial educational system
Transformative aspects related to school
See our other services