L’accompagnement est la clé de voûte au succès d’une transformation réussie de votre école. Offrant un processus rigoureux, méthodique et flexible, nous partons du principe que chaque école est unique et qu’aucune ne part de zéro. Notre équipe personnalise la démarche en fonction de chaque environnement éducatif et de ses besoins pour que votre établissement devienne une école communautaire entrepreneuriale. L’école et sa communauté forment une alliance de sens pour, qu’ensemble, elles portent fièrement leur projet éducatif.
Enhancing the expertise existing in the socioeconomic universe
We know that an entrepreneur, just like entrepreneurial and innovative people, learn through action and, namely, through linking their reflection and their action in a way that improve their success. The ECEC innovates by seeking, to the extent possible, to take into account this way of doing and learning. To achieve this, an organized process involving the entrepreneurial community in the educational project of “conscious entrepreneurship” is not only desirable, but necessary. Essentially because these people and human organizations possess, almost intrinsically, knowledge, skills and attitudes that are specific to their working and operational culture.
Business and politics have often had complicity links for the best and sometimes for the worst. This time around, they are called to act in synergy as responsible leaders of our societies, as further conscious and committed citizens. The ECEC offers a de-compartmentalizing of the school itself and of its environment. It takes the duty to invite, and even to request the participation of all expertise in its educational project.
Regardless of the circumstances and anytime, an ECEC collaborates with people, groups, organizations and businesses outside the school while keeping control over the pedagogy to put forward in the classrooms and over the organization to foresee for the success of such alliance. Thus, each and everyone play his part whereas the school (the ECEC) remains the orchestrator of the educational project in conscious entrepreneurship “school-family-community”, the latter including the socio-economical environment.
This way of seeing and doing leads to the learning of elements which characterize the conscious entrepreneurial culture. The youth that we are teaching, educating and training carries the hope that an ethical and socially responsible entrepreneurship will emerge in our societies, in other words an entrepreneurship that contributes to a fairer prosperity and a better social justice for everyone. Despite our responsibility to commit to the success of this educational and societal aim, to this urgency for action that challenges the entire humanity, it has become equally compelling that the society as a whole comes to strongly share these same values.
The key for success of such pedagogy relies on the synergy that is progressively built between the school, families and the socio-economical environment. The multiplication of their connections provides hope for an accelerated generalization of transformative conscious entrepreneurial values benefiting an individual and collective better being. Within an ECEC, the educational project relies on the development of a conscious entrepreneurial culture and on autonomous learning serving the global well-being of children, youth, adult students, educators, professional stakeholders and community partners surrounding the school. And the indelible particularity is that it becomes not only the project of the school, but also the project of the entire community.
Rino Lévesque
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