L’accompagnement est la clé de voûte au succès d’une transformation réussie de votre école. Offrant un processus rigoureux, méthodique et flexible, nous partons du principe que chaque école est unique et qu’aucune ne part de zéro. Notre équipe personnalise la démarche en fonction de chaque environnement éducatif et de ses besoins pour que votre établissement devienne une école communautaire entrepreneuriale. L’école et sa communauté forment une alliance de sens pour, qu’ensemble, elles portent fièrement leur projet éducatif.
What is the Shared Mobilizing Leadership within ECEC?
The leadership of the Conscious Entrepreneurial Community School (ECEC) is both shared and mobilizing. It is mobilizing in the sense that it incites an increasing number of people to invest their energy and plan to develop, consolidate and implement the vision and the mission of the school. The leadership is also shared, specifically with the school staff, a school support parent group or committee, other parents or other committed partners in the community, and even children (elementary), youth (high-school) and adults (postsecondary). This is communicated through pedagogical, educational, entrepreneurial, cultural and community plans. This leadership is ensured by the principal and strongly supported by ECEC’s governance team and a pedagogical officer as well as a community development officer.
Some ECECs have chosen to hire a pedagogical officer, who is often a teacher and who is assigned to this task a few days per year. For example, in New Brunswick, a community development officer supports the school (this person is usually not a teacher). This person, just like the ECEC pedagogical officer, is an energetic person who is skilled in developing partnerships with people, organizations, entrepreneurs or businesses from the school’s socioeconomic environment and the community (a school-community network). ECEC’s pedagogical officer has skills recognized by the administration and ideally, by his or her colleagues.
Shared leadership mobilizes and motivates by giving the right to the students to express themselves. They learn to get to know themselves, to trust themselves and to empower themselves. They have the possibility to express their leadership through many activities, projects and micro-businesses in conscious entrepreneurship pedagogy. This kind of leadership aims at creating impact in the community (socioeconomic and community relations), an increasing interest by the student, the teacher and the administration towards the community and reciprocally, from the people, organizations and businesses of the community towards the school.
Such a leadership supposes that we consider five axis that have to be developed in synergy to be efficient: 1) Philosophy of the ECEC / conscious entrepreneurship, 2) Structuring components (21 structuring components), 3) Structuring global program, 4) Coherent pedagogy and 5) Committed educational community.
To be successful in inspiring many people and leaders (educators, partners and responsible citizens) is ECEC’s primary challenge. A shared mobilizing leadership has to be proposed. This vision has to inspire people and hope. The leader should inspire and incite respect to bring trust. All the explanations offered here, including the most perfect tables or written documents may not lead to the success of a shard mobilizing leadership if stakeholders do not recognize the leader’s authenticity.
A secret, a belief: the leader’s authenticity and the inspiration that he draws to the communicated vision offers the real possibility to bring out sufficient trust and commitment within the school-team that is required to develop a new project such as ECEC.
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